C. Hoyer, L. Wetzel, D. Prousalis, J. Wagner, F. Jülicher, F. Ellinger
Mutual Synchronization of Spatially Distributed 24 GHz Oscillators up to Distances of 500 m
(submitted to TCAS2)

C. Hoyer, L. Wetzel, D. Prousalis, J. Wagner, F. Jülicher, F. Ellinger,
Stability Analysis of Mutually Synchronized Spatially Distributed 24 GHz Oscillators
(accepted to I2MTC 2022: IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference)

D. Prousalis and L. Wetzel,
Time References and Clock Signal Synchronization Entrainment of Mutually Synchronized Networks,
(in preparation)

D. Prousalis, L. Wetzel, C. Duclut, F. Jülicher,
Synchronization dynamics in the presence of time delay, inertia and dynamical noise,
(in preparation)

J. Asmus, D. Platz, D. Prousalis, B. Friedrich, L. Wetzel,
Basin stability of phase-locked solutions in networks of delay-coupled phase oscillators
(in preparation)

L. Wetzel, D. Prousalis, R. Riaz, C. Hoyer, N. Joram, J. Fritzsche, F. Ellinger, and F. Jülicher,
Network Synchronization Revisited: Time Delays in Mutually Coupled Oscillators,
(submitted to IEEE Access)


D. Prousalis and L. Wetzel,
Synchronization in the presence of time delays and inertia: Stability criteria,
Phys. Rev. E 105, 014210, 2021

C. Hoyer, D. Prousalis, L. Wetzel, R.F. Riaz, J. Wagner, F. Jülicher, F.Ellinger,
Mutual Synchronization with 24 GHz Oscillators,
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Daegu, Korea, 22-28 May 2021, pp. 1-5


Rabia Fatima Riaz, Dimitrios Prousalis, Christian Hoyer, Jens Wagner,
Frank Ellinger, Frank Jülicher and Lucas Wetzel,
Stability and Transient Dynamics of PLLs in Theory and Experiments,
2020 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD)
, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020

David Métivier, Lucas Wetzel, and Shamik Gupta,
Onset of synchronization in networks of second-order Kuramoto oscillators with delayed coupling:
Exact results and application to phase-locked loops

Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023183


Nirmal Punetha and Lucas Wetzel
How clock heterogeneity affects synchronization and can enhance stability
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11085

L. Wetzel, F. Jülicher, D.J. Jörg, G. Fettweis, W. Rave, A. Pollakis,
Self-synchronizable network,
US Patent App. 10/241,539


L. Wetzel, D.J. Jörg, A. Pollakis, W. Rave, G. Fettweis, F. Jülicher,
Self-organized synchronization of digital phase-locked loops with delayed coupling in theory and experiment,
PLOS one 12 (2), e0171590

L. Wetzel, F. Jülicher, D.J. Jörg, G. Fettweis, W. Rave, A. Pollakis,
Self-synchronizable network,
US Patent App. 15/316,307

L. Wetzel, F. Jülicher, D.J. Jörg, G. Fettweis, W. Rave, A. Pollakis,
Self-synchronizable network,
European Patent 2957982, filed 20.06.2014 and issued 09.08.2017


L. Wetzel, A. Pollakis, D.J. Jörg, W. Rave, G. Fettweis, F. Jülicher,
Self-organized synchronisation in massive MIMO inspired by biological systems,
2015 MBMC Workshop on Communications, Inference, And Computing In Molecular And Biological Systems

D.J. Jörg, A. Pollakis, L. Wetzel, M. Dropp, W. Rave, F. Jülicher, G. Fettweis,
Synchronization of mutually coupled digital PLLs in massive MIMO systems,
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1716-1721


A. Pollakis, L. Wetzel, D.J. Jörg, W. Rave, G. Fettweis, F. Jülicher,
Synchronization in networks of mutually delay-coupled phase-locked loops,
New Journal of Physics 16 (11), 113009


L. Wetzel,
Effect of distributed delays in systems of coupled phase oscillators,
Sächsische Landesbibliothek-Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

L. Wetzel, L.G. Morelli, A.C. Oates, F. Jülicher, S Ares,
Synchronization in the presence of distributed delays,
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.2288